Brave New World

7. Dez. 2012
American Drama Group - TNT Theatre Britain bringt das berühmte Schauspiel nach Aldous Huxley in englischer Sprache.

Spielstätte Großes Haus

Aldous Huxley’s science fiction masterpiece Brave New World is probably the most prescient and powerful science fiction novel ever written and comes to the stage in a new adaptation by TNT BRITAIN. Huxley’s nightmare is a mirror of our own dream; a world where science delivers everything we could want and nothing of any true value. Brave New World is a thriller, a love story, a satire, an exercise in philosophy, a moral lesson and a truly funny comedy that ends in tears.

Weitere Informationen – Termine:
Vorstellungen finden um 16:00 und um 19:30 statt.

Details zur Spielstätte:
Promenade 39, A-4020 Linz

Veranstaltungsvorschau: Brave New World - Landestheater Linz

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