Guards at the taj

Guards at the Taj

26. April bis 5. Mai 2018
In the India of 1648, two Imperial Guards watch from their post as the sun rises for the first time on the newly-completed Taj Mahal – an event that shakes their respective worlds.

Humayun and Babur are forced to face some difficult truths about their position in society. No one is allowed to see the Taj before its completion, and no one should be able to build anything so beautiful ever again. So when they are ordered to perform an unthinkable task, the outcome forces them to question the concepts of friendship, beauty and duty, and changes them forever.

The dialogue is funny, riveting, endearing and simultaneously violently poetic. Joseph uses an urban myth to hold up a mirror to modern society and ask: What is the price of beauty? He questions: How is it everyday people can feel obligated to do extraordinary things?

Direction: Joanna Godwin-Seidl
assistant director: David Rodriguez
Starring: Devesh Kishore, Diljohn Sukhdeep
Licence: Josef Weinberger Ltd London

Details zur Spielstätte:
Drachengasse 2, A-1010 Wien

Veranstaltungsvorschau: Guards at the Taj - Theater Drachengasse

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