The Tempest

25. Feb. 2016
Ein Gastspiel in englischer Sprache mit der American Drama Group Europe and TNT Theatre Britain.

“We are such stuff as dreams are made on, our little lives are rounded with a sleep”, Prospero tells us that this play is a waking dream, possibly the most profound fantasy ever written, as well as a thriller, a romance and a slapstick comedy of the highest order. Shakespeare conjures this world through some of his fi nest poetry and boldest comedy, it is his farewell to the stage and an epic of forgiveness as Prospero embraces his murderous brother.

Award winning director Paul Stebbings employs dynamic physical theatre, a cast of multi skilled actors, live and specially composed music, dance, broad comedy, sensitive verse speaking and the imagination of the audience to create total theatre that draws on Shakespeare’s own style.

Details zur Spielstätte:
Promenade 39, A-4020 Linz

Veranstaltungsvorschau: The Tempest - Landestheater Linz

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