Diane Torr

30 Years of Sex and Drag

25. Nov. 2016
Diane Torr spricht über 30 Years of Sex and Drag.

Performance artist Diane Torr has been experimenting with the performance of gender for thirty years—exploring everything from feminist go-go dancing to masculine power play. One of the key pioneers of “drag king” performance, Torr has been celebrated internationally for her gender transformation workshops, in which she has taught hundreds of ordinary women how to pass as men on city streets around the world. This cultural subterfuge appeals to participants for many different reasons: personal confidence-building, sexual frisson, gender subversion, trans-curiosity, or simply the appeal of disguise and role play. (Quelle: http://dianetorr.com/artist-talks/)

Details zur Spielstätte:
Siebensterngasse 42, A-1070 Wien
Im Rahmen des Festivals:
Love me gender- Performing Feminisms

Veranstaltungsvorschau: 30 Years of Sex and Drag - Kosmos Theater

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