Glen Hansard - Paying My Way

Glen Hansard - Paying My Way ***** ABSAGE *****

5. Juni 2022
Glen Hansard is a singer songwriter born and raised in Dublin, Ireland. Over the course his career he has released records as a member of The Frames, The Swell Season and a solo artist under his own name. He continues to perform in all three of these outlets as time, opportunity and demand arise.

Glen is in a constant state of motion whether it be creatively or physically. He currently working on new material for his next album and is looking forward to getting back to the stage where he is most at home.

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Details zur Spielstätte:
Schloss Esterhazy, A-7000 Eisenstadt

Veranstaltungsvorschau: Glen Hansard - Paying My Way ***** ABSAGE ***** - Schloss Esterházy

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