
Highlight - Guided Tour

18. April 2019
With the world’s first airplanes, a huge crucible, and a complete hydroelectric power station, the Technisches Museum Wien has some very special treasures dating from the history of technological development. The most famous, precious and exciting of them are all part of this guided tour. So join us as we bring exhibits such as the court saloon carriage of Empress Elisabeth or the Silver Arrow Mercedes to life with our exciting and entertaining anecdotes.

At the Technisches Museum Wien, technology is a thrilling experience that plays out over more than 22,000 m² of exhibition space. It’s where we showcase our greatest treasures, hopefully whetting your appetite to embark on your own voyages of discovery in our Museum!

When booking, do let us know if you’re interested in a particular theme at the Technisches Museum. We’ll be happy to include your wishes in our guided tour.

Details zur Spielstätte:
Mariahilfer Straße 212, A-1140 Wien

Veranstaltungsvorschau: Highlight - Guided Tour - Technisches Museum Wien

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