English guided tours - Gustav Klimt and the splendid architecture of the KHM - Wappensaal des KHM

English guided tours - Gustav Klimt and the splendid architecture of the KHM

5. März bis 10. Sept. 2023
You will discover unique paintings displayed twelve meters above the ground, forming an integral part of the magnificent decoration of the main staircase. The paintings commissioned by Emperor Franz Joseph and executed by Gustav Klimt, his brother Ernst and their friend Franz Matsch depict important epochs in art history.

Explore the collections or exhibitions and take part in one-hour guided tours every Sunday.

Meeting Point: Entrance hall

Details zur Spielstätte:
Maria Theresien-Platz, A-1010 Wien

Veranstaltungsvorschau: English guided tours - Gustav Klimt and the splendid architecture of the KHM - Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien

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