Online-Streaming "Spurwechsel XVI – SOPHIE K. AND GUESTS"

7. März 2021
Gestreamt aus Bar&Co! Totally Off The Cuff! What makes a song? Since the dawn of time this question has occupied the minds of artists, historians and music lovers alike, prompting them to go out in search of the “essence” of music.

But what does it mean to take a trip into the depths of sound, and how might one go about it?

Join Sophie and her esteemed musical guests as they embark upon an exploration of music in an evening where you too can shape a song, twist a story and simply create characters out of thin air. Sounds magical? It is.
Never boring. Always Off The Cuff.

Sophie Kozeluh: Improvised singing
Oskar Kozeluh und Belush Korenyi: Improvised Instrumentation

Details zur Spielstätte:
Drachengasse 2, A-1010 Wien

Veranstaltungsvorschau: Online-Streaming "Spurwechsel XVI – SOPHIE K. AND GUESTS" - Theater Drachengasse

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