Nina Simone: Four Women

21. Sept. bis 3. Okt. 2020
Set to the backdrop of September 16th, 1963. The day after the bombing of the 16th Street Baptist Church in Birmingham, Alabama. Nina Simone: Four Women follows the iconic sensation as she shifts her career from artist to artist-activist, as she believed, an artist's responsibility is to reflect the times.

Nina Simone: Four Women uses the framework of one of her most historic songs Four Women to give sassy and moving voice to a group of women, navigating the challenges brought to them due to different hues of their skin, representing the four beautiful little girls who died at the church that day.

Listen to their story, with a phenomenal cast singing some of Nina Simone's most popular Civil Rights anthems such as Mississippi Goddam, Go Limp, and Young, Gifted and Black to look at an artist and the women around her as their journey leads them down a path of discovery and healing.

It’s a show with bloody knuckles … slow burn, dramatic knockouts. Washington Post

A remarkable show in many ways — it is totally different from any revue you ever saw. Chicago Tribune

Direction: Joanna Godwin-Seidl
Music: Dave Moskin
Set, Costumes: Laura D. Mitchell
Starring: Dorretta Carter, Achan Milonda, Kudra Owens, Shari Watson aka Truth Hurts

Licence: Bret Adams, LTD New York
In collaboration with the US Embassy Vienna

Details zur Spielstätte:
Drachengasse 2, A-1010 Wien

Veranstaltungsvorschau: Nina Simone: Four Women - Theater Drachengasse

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