Tuxedo-clad, whiskey-snorting, cigar-puffing: the Big D, Mike the Knife, Jimmy la B, and Jake Shennanigan Banigan are back. The truth is, tough as they are, the only compass they've ever followed is of the female variety, their needles pointing not true north but dewy south, and what has it brought them? Heartbreaks, Headaches, Bankruptcy, and a bucketful of ballads. Maudlin machismo is not without its attractions, and a life between beds and backseats deserves its celebration. But rumors abound ...
Mike and the Big D headlining a drag act? Jake trawling the Marseille waterfront in sequins and spikes? Jimmy finding his own lipstick on his Calvin Kleins? Does anyone have a Rat to Unpack?
Driven by the relentlessly gifted Klaus Erharter and the White Shoes Orchestra, the EL Gents strip to the bare necessities in this double-pack of crooning, cajoling and carousing.
Listen to some of the lamest jokes and most lyrical love songs never written, and witness the surprisingly shameful truth revealed.
With: The English Lovers Gentlemen & White Shoes Orchestra
Die Veranstaltung findet im Bar&Co statt.