Christmas Crackers!
3. bis 21. Dez. 2019
A Right Royal Mess - Banished from the traditional holiday celebrations taking place at Windsor Castle, this distant and withered branch of the royal family tree decides to take matters into their own pale, blue-blooded hands and illuminate this most holy time of year with their own festive follies.
Whimsical improvising and whimpering infighting are the order of the day in this draughty, daffy castle as the simple folk – aka the audience – watch their local gentry stumble through mishaps musical and mute, inspired by the humble Christmas cracker: Uneasy lies the head that wears a paper crown.
With: Anne Weiner, Bronwynn Mertz-Penzinger, Dennis Kozeluh, Jacob Banigan, Jim Libby, Kathy Tanner, Michael Smulik, Sophie Kozeluh
Improvised Music: Klaus Erharter, Belush Korenyi
Improvised Lighting: Karl Börner, Michaela Pink, Stefan Rauchenwald, Ricarda Springer
Details zur Spielstätte:
Drachengasse 2, A-1010 Wien
Adresse: Drachengasse 2, A-1010 Wien
Telefon: +43 1 5131444
Fax: +43 1 5120604
Geodaten: 48.2104, 16.3778
Veranstaltungsvorschau: Christmas Crackers! - Theater Drachengasse
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