Elsewhere - A Place for Your Dreams

Elsewhere - A Place for Your Dreams

25. Jan. 2024
This is an application that not only serves as a dream diary for smartphone users. It also uses artificial intelligence to help interpret dreams. It was created by an international team of developers - Dan Kennedy, Sheldon Juncker, and Gez Quinn - and American dream researcher Kelly Bulkeley. The ideas for the app were inspired by the "place of origin of psychoanalysis" at Berggasse 19 in Vienna.

During the test phase of the Elsewhere - A Place for Your Dreams application, the possibilities and limitations, but also the dangers of using artificial intelligence in connection with the individual exploration of dreams will be put up for discussion - as well as the expectations that experts from the fields of psychoanalysis, psychology and technology have of such a dream app.

Podiumsdiskussion auf Englisch mit Kelly Bulkeley (USA), Brigitte Holzinger (AUT), Daru Huppert (USA/AUT), Dan Kennedy (AUS), Sheldon Juncker (USA) und Gez Quinn (UK)

The discussion evening will begin with a conceptual and technical presentation of the software by Kelly Bulkeley and the developers Dan Kennedy, Sheldon Juncker, and Gez Quinn, followed by a critical and differentiated discussion with the Viennese psychologist Brigitte Holzinger, who is the founder of the Institute for Consciousness and Dream Research, and the psychoanalyst and social psychologist Daru Huppert, who practices in Vienna.

Kelly Bulkeley, Ph.D., is a psychologist of religion focusing on dream research. He is Director of the Sleep and Dream Database (SDDb), Senior Editor of the journal Dreaming, and former president of the International Association for the Study of Dreams. His books include Dreaming in the World’s Religions (2008), Big Dreams (2016), Lucrecia the Dreamer (2018), The Scribes of Sleep (2023), 2020 Dreams (2023), and The Spirituality of Dreaming (2023). He lives in Estacada, Oregon, USA.

Dr. Brigitte Holzinger was born in Vienna, studied psychology in Vienna and California (Stanford), is a psychotherapist for integrative Gestalt therapy, supervisor, clinical and health psychologist. Research and study of “Sleep, Dream, and Lucid Dreaming” and “Gestalt Therapy” at Webster University and the University of Innsbruck. Accreditation in somnology by the ESRS.

Daru Huppert studied Social and Clinical Psychology in New York, London, Zurich, and Cambridge. At the University of Cambridge, he held lectures on psychoanalysis. He is a training analyst (WPV/IPA) in Vienna and writes about different topics of psychoanalysis, such as dreams, shame, and sexuality.

Gez Quinn is a software developer and co-founder of Elsewhere. He is committed to advancing the understanding of dreams through the use of technology.

Dan Kennedy is a software developer, linguist, and co-founder of Elsewhere. He works on the Elsewhere frontend and also develops dictionary and language learning software for Aboriginal languages in Australia.

Sheldon Juncker is a software engineer and co-founder of Elsewhere who works in the fields of dream research, data analysis, and app development.

Anmeldung erforderlich: Für die Teilnahme registrieren Sie sich bitte über den Ticketlink.

Details zur Spielstätte:
Berggasse 19, A-1090 Wien

Veranstaltungsvorschau: Elsewhere - A Place for Your Dreams - Sigmund Freud Museum

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