Stefanie Sargnagel ist bekannt für ihr radikal subjektives Schreiben, das Kollektiv „Euroteuro“ für seinen dadaistischen Stil. Das musikalische Kollektiv rund um den Songwriter und Performer Peter T. hat schon die Musik zu Stefanie Sargnagels Theaterstück „Am Wiesenrand“ komponiert.
“Dense” portrays the flip side of Vienna, a sordid world of taverns, psychiatric wards, and rundown dumps, populated for the most part by excessively lovable anti-heroes. Musically accompanied by Euroteuro, Stefanie Sargnagel will read from her “Notes of an Idler” and blow up all boundaries between genres.
Stefanie Sargnagel is known for her radically subjective writing, the collective Euroteuro for its dadaistic style. The musical collective, centered around the songwriter and performer Peter T., has composed music for Stefanie Sargnagel’s play “At the Edge of a Meadow” in the past.