English Lovers, Gentlemen Only


28. Feb. 2018
Are you the man you want to be, or the man others want you to be? Are you tortured by the gap between the ideal and your own reality?

Well you're not alone! Let's face it, it isn't easy and it ain't getting any easier.

High time somebody sang about it!
Accompanied by the incomparable White Shoes Orchestra, the gentlemen of Unpack the Rat explore the "how", "what" and "why" of being a man, through the softening lens of misty memories, cigarette smoke and whiskey fumes.
So whether you're a man, or whether some of your favourite people are men, this show will go a long way to helping you cope with the day to day and lifelong pitfalls of Mandom.

English Lovers, Gentlemen Only: Dennis Kozeluh, Jacob Banigan, Jim Libby and Michael Smulik

White Shoes Orchestra:
Klaus Erharter: Piano
Lennie Dixon: Drums
Ilse Riedler: Sax
Karl Sayer: Bass

Details zur Spielstätte:
Drachengasse 2, A-1010 Wien

Veranstaltungsvorschau: Spurwechsel XIII – UNPACK THE RAT - Theater Drachengasse

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