Sigmund Freud

Psychoanalysis under Conditions of War

15. Dez. 2022 bis 28. März 2024
The question of an "ethical stance" has remained a central theme for psychoanalysts working right now in the midst of the war in Ukraine. Since many attendees and discussants expressed the strong wish to keep this discussion going after the first evening in the summer of 2022, the series continues.

Françoise Davoine and Gerard Fromm will meet with interested psychoanalysts, psychologists and other professionals from the Ukraine and other countries.

Part 15 of the discussion, will provide another opportunity to discuss in detail clinical questions arising from the treatment of patients during war with the renowned trauma experts. Clinical cases will be presented by Ukrainian psychoanalysts and psychotherapists.

A critical point that has emerged during our last eight discussions, is that the analyst may have to abandon her/his typical stance of neutrality and abstinence and will have to work within a very different frame setting, but that does not imply that s/he stops being a psychoanalyst in her/his thinking and treatment of severely traumatized patients. We will explore this and other clinical questions during our ninth meeting.

Translation (English-Ukrainian) will be provided.

Françoise Davoine (Psychoanalyst, Paris)

Gerard Fromm (Erikson Institute of the Austen Riggs Center)

Oleksandr Filts (Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University)

Moderator: Jeanne Wolff Bernstein (Freud Foundation U.S.)

Hier können Part 1 bis 14 angesehen werden:

Details zur Spielstätte:
Berggasse 19, A-1090 Wien

Veranstaltungsvorschau: Psychoanalysis under Conditions of War - Sigmund Freud Museum

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