BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-// Class MIMEDIR//EN VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20250411T203000Z DTEND:20250411T213000Z LOCATION;LANGUAGE=de:Drachengasse 2, 1010 Wien TRANSP:OPAQUE SEQUENCE:0 UID:e1dcfac7d8075e44f6cecaf228714ee1 DTSTAMP:20250216T234400Z DESCRIPTION;LANGUAGE=de:English Lovers - The Late Night Theater Jam: It’s Friday night, it’s in the Bar and it’s the English Lovers off the leash! What more could you want? It’s hijinx, high emotions and the odd high note, soul searching, ham acting and deep thought; the quest for the ultimate story, the will to soar and the grace to fail; narrow escapes, neat escapades and nifty excuses; nocturnal encounters, naughty ejaculations and near-death experiences; needless songs, nonsensical sagas and … ’nuff said – Be There! Theater Drachengasse Drachengasse 2, 1010 Wien i: t: +43 1 5131444 e: Ein Service von SUMMARY;LANGUAGE=de:English Lovers - The Late Night Theater Jam PRIORITY:5 CLASS:PUBLIC URL: STATUS:CONFIRMED END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR